Shoemaker Village Ultimate Paintball Verbal Commands
The commands below allow players and bosses to control the Shoemaker Village Ultimate Paintball Bot. All commands may be issued either in normal chat, or through a direct whisper to the bot in any world in the network.
Commands available to bosses and team leaders are prefixed with a "/" argument. Other commands that are available to all players have no prefix.
Command | Used By | Restrictions | Arguments | Action |
score | Players | Scoring must be enabled. | Whispers a list, in descending order, of all players who have killed or have blown away at least one person and their current scores. | |
deaths | Players | Scoring must be enabled. | Whispers a list, in descending order, of all players who have been killed or have been blown away by at least one person and the number of times they were killed. | |
/shield [name] | Bosses | [name]: the name of the player to shield. If omitted, defaults to the boss issuing the command. | "Shields" a player, causing him or her to be invincible to all attacks. The player, however, may not kill others while shielded. | |
/unshield [name] | Bosses | [name]: the name of the player to unshield. If omitted, defaults to the boss issuing the command. | "Unshields" a player, reverting a shielded player to normal status and enabling participation in the game. | |
shielded | Players | Whispers a list of all players currently shielded with the "/shield" command. | ||
stats [name] | Players | Scoring must be enabled. | [name]: the name of the player's stats to look at. Defaults to the person issuing the command if ommitted. | Whispers the following information about a player:
ratios | Players | Scoring must be enabled | Whispers a list, in descending order, of the kill-to-death ratios of all players who have either been killed at least ten times, or have ten kills. | |
tscore | Players | Teams must be enabled, and scoring must be enabled. | Whispers a list of the number of kills for all currently active teams, in descending order. | |
tdeaths | Players | Teams must be enabled, and scoring must be enabled. | Whispers a list of the number of deaths for all currently active teams, in descending order. | |
tratios | Players | Teams must be enabled, and scoring must be enabled. | Whispers a list, in descending order, of the kill-to-death ratios for all currently active teams. | |
/reject [name] | Team Leaders | Teams must be enabled, and [name] must be a member of your team. | [name]: the name of the player to remove from your team. | Removes a player from a leader's team. Cannot be used for other teams. |
tstats [teamname] | Players | Scoring must be enabled, and teams must be enabled. | [teamname]: the name of the player's stats to look at. Defaults to the team of the person issuing the command if ommitted. | Whispers the following information about a team:
weapons | Players | Grenades or frenzy powerups must be enabled (if frenzy
powerups are enabled, scoring must be enabled). Available in version 3 and under only. |
Displays the number of grenades you currently are carrying, whether a grenade is armed or not, and how much longer you will be in a frenzy (if you are in a frenzy). | |
status | Players | Available in version 4 and over only. | Performs the same functions as the "weapons" command, but also displays your current health level (if enabled). | |
rtp | Players | Random teleporting by whisper must be allowed. | Randomly teleports you to a location outside of ground zero and within the current world's field. | |
arm | Players | Grenades must be enabled. | Arms a grenade so that it will be fired on the next click. | |
info | Players | Displays the following information about
the current world's field:
who | Players | Displays the names of all participating players in the current world. | ||
/create [teamname] | Players | Players using this command must not be part of an existing team, and teams must be enabled. | [teamname]: specifies the name of the team to create. | Creates a new team and designates the person issuing the command as its leader. New teams have no kills or deaths, and no other members other than the leader. |
/join [teamname] | Players | Players must not be part of an existing team, and teams must be enabled. | [teamname]: the name of the team to join. | Sends a join request to the leader of the team you wish to join. If the leader responds by saying "yes," you will be accepted as a member of the team specified in [teamname]. If the leader says "no" or does not reply within ten seconds, you will not be allowed to join the team. |
/leave | Team members or leaders | Teams must be enabled. | Leaves the current team. If you are the leader, another member of the team will be selected at random to lead the team. If you are the last member of the team, the team will be disbanded and all statistics for the team will be permanently deleted. | |
/leader [name] | Team leaders | Teams must be enabled. | [name]: the name of the person to whom you wish to transfer leadership. | Transfers leadership of the current team to the person specified in [name]. This person must be a member of your team. After transferring leadership, you will no longer be able to control the composition of your team, nor will you be able to regain leadership unless the new leader transfers leadership back to you. |
teams | Players | Teams must be enabled. | Whispers a list of all current teams and their members to you. | |
time | Players | The "Stop and Start Times" function must be in use. | Displays the amount of time in hours, minutes, and seconds remaining in the current paintball match. | |
/disband [name] | Bosses | Teams must be enabled. | [name]: the name of the team to disband. | Permanently disbands the team specified in [name], regardless of the number of members of the team, and deletes all statistics related to the team. |
/exit | Bosses | Instructs the application to exit immediately and unconditionally, terminating the game in progress. | ||
/pause | Bosses | Pauses the game in progress and prohibits kills as well as frenzy and grenade collection until the game is resumed with the "/pause" command again. | ||
worlds | Players | More than one world must exist in the network. | Lists the current worlds in the network. | |
/phone | Bosses | More than one world must exist in the network. | Enables the phone bot feature, which facilitates communication between worlds in the network. | |
/setkills [name],[kills] | Bosses | Scoring must be enabled. Available in version 4.00 and higher only. | [name]: The name of the player
whose kill count you wish to modify. [kills]: The new number of kills for this player. |
Sets the number of kills for a particular player to the value you specify. Allows for correction of scores due to cheating without requiring restarting the program or changing INI file settings. |
/change [newname] | Bosses | Teams must be enabled. Available in version 4.00 and higher only. | [newname]: The new name for your team. | Allows team leaders to change the names of their teams to the name specified in [newname]. |
/neject [name],[time] | Bosses | [name]: the name of the player to
eject. [time]: the duration (in seconds) for the ejection. |
Ejects the player specified in [name] for the duration specified in [time]. Note that this ejection is recorded in all worlds in the network. |
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