18, 2001 (Sunday) - 12:43PM |
pages have now been corrected and updated. Be sure to check
out this month's feature,
our free programs
section, and to vote on the current poll. |
15, 2001 (Thursday) - 5:50PM |
are in the process of updating the Village pages after the March
issue. Please bear with us for the next day while each
individual section is updated. |
19, 2001 (Friday) - 6:58AM |
The February 2001 issue of the Village has been published! Click the
Current Issue link to read!
3, 2001 (Wednesday) - 7:25PM |
The Unseen, a special report on those who are less visible
around UMHS and in society in general, has now been posted.
here to read! Feel free to post any comments you may have on
the Village Forum!
18, 2000 (Monday) - 6:24PM |
A special report by the Village
editors, entitled The Unseen will be available tomorrow! On
a related note, publication of the Village has been halted
until the conclusion of the first semester, to resume in February
2001. We encourage you to visit our website regularly in the interval
to keep updated with recent news! |
5, 2000 (Tuesday) - 6:24PM |
Yesterday, the Village editors
decided that a major change was necessary if the Village was
to survive. Poor scheduling by the guidance office at UMHS has overloaded
most seniors with AP and college-level courses this semester. Therefore,
publishing the December issue of the Village will be impossible.
We have decided to post online, at regular intervals, those sections
which have been completed. Check back later tonight or tomorrow for
the first section. |
5, 2000 (Tuesday) - 6:22PM |
Regular visitors will have noticed
several changes to the Village site. To begin, we modified
the color scheme of the site to be festive for the holidays. Second,
many of the older pages that were causing performance issues have
been removed. |
15, 2000 (Wednesday) - 8:28PM |
As you are probably aware, the November
issue of the Village was forced into cancellation by the editors
being forced to read a novel commonly referred to as Moby Dick.
Needless to say, comprehending this work took almost all available
time for three weeks, and the Village is just now recovering
from it. Look for the Holiday Bonus issue to be arriving at your home
in two weeks. |
10, 2000 (Tuesday) - 7:38PM |
The October issue (Volume 40) has been
distributed and mailed to all subscribers. The issue can now be downloaded
on the Current Issue page. In addition, the
Discussion Forum topic for November's issue has been decided upon - look
at the Upcoming in Future Issues page. |
15, 2000 (Friday) - 7:38PM |
We would like to notify our readers that
the September issue of the Village has been canceled due to a lack
of time for our editors. Simply put, every minute of spare time has been
devoured by 6-7 hours of homework a night. Thank you for your understanding,
and we hope to be hearing from you when the October issue is published! |
23, 2000 (Wednesday) - 11:32AM |
Our Free Software
page has expanded greatly in the past few days. Be sure to check it out! |
22, 2000 (Tuesday) - 10:50AM |
Yesterday, we received at Village
headquarters a comic called Life's Ironies. Contributed by Sarah Duncan,
we plan to include this comic in the September issue of the Village!
Until then, we have posted it online for you to read now. If you like
the comic, please send your feedback to sarah_sed@hotmail.com.
You can read the comic by clicking here (403 KB). |
22, 2000 (Tuesday) - 9:51AM |
It may be necessary to postpone the September
issue of the Village due to an enormously busy schedule and a huge
workload. We'll keep you updated as the week progresses. |
10, 2000 (Thursday) - 9:51AM |
The wait is over! Now you can sign up for
an entire year of the Village absolutely free. In fact, it's even
possible that you'll make money while signing up! Enough with the
talk though - Click
here for more information or to get started! |
7, 2000 (Monday) - 5:49PM |
Yes, you read the above right. After days
of brainstorming and searching for a way to reduce subscription costs
and increase our readership, we came across a website that solves all
those problems and more. In exchange for signing up, this site will give
us $5, and give you an additional $5, thus covering the subscription costs!
We are still in the process of integrating this service into our website,
so we can't tell you how just yet. Check back later in the week to sign
up for a full year of paper issues FREE of charge! |
4, 2000 (Friday) - 10:23PM |
After 7 hours of exhausting work, the
editors at the Village have completely revamped the entire Village
website. Take a look around - because every single page was changed
in some way, everything's new. Here's some of the highlights, however:
All issues now posted online!
New Web Forums allow you to
discuss the Village online!
The Village poll lets
you voice your opinions on the issues!
Our free software page features
the latest freeware programmed by our editors!
The What is Shoemaker
Village page is now up to date!
You can now request a free
trial issue of the Village!
Evan's Quest and The
Knights of the Square Table are now posted!
In addition to being posted,
Evan's Quest is now fully checked for grammatical errors!
Over 100 megabytes of downloads
have been added throughout the site!
Our contact information has
finally been posted!
The comment form is now online
and operational from all pages!
Over 300 broken links are now
As you can see, we spent the entire day finishing the site. Hopefully,
now it is the resource that everyone in the Village community
has come to expect and will help you keep in touch with your interests!
4, 2000 (Friday) - 3:34PM |
The August 2000 issue of the Village
has now been mailed to subscribers, as well as posted online at our
issue section. |
4, 2000 (Friday) - 10:00AM |
We are currently in the process of a major
upgrade to the website. Check back today to check on our progress. After
the upgrade is complete, we hope to have the August issue of the Village
posted. |
29, 2000 (Tuesday) - 4:36PM |
There seemed to be a problem with the comment
form link. Although the form was complete, the link was pointing
in the wrong direction. In addition, the July issue of the Village
has been postponed until Friday, July 14. We are sorry for any inconvienence
this may have caused you. |
6, 2000 (Tuesday) - 3:21PM |
The CGI scripts
are now operational! If you would like to submit comments, subscribe to
the Village, or sign up for our mailing list, please use the links
on the left. In addition, the current (June 2000) issue is now posted,
and the May 2000 issue has been added to our news archives. |
24, 2000 (Wednesday) - 4:44PM |
After a month
of perfecting, we have finally declared the new website finished. However,
the CGI scripts on the webpages are still nonoperational. If anyone can
help us, please email us below. In related news, the June issue of the
Village now consists of 56 pages, and will be distributed this
Friday. Check back again later for updates!
We plan to have our forms
fully operational before June 1. Until then, if you wish to subscribe
or submit comments, email us at editor@shoemakervillage.org or click
17, 2000 (Monday) - 7:25PM |
During the next
week, the editors of the Village will be taking a brief vacation
from updating the Village and its webpages. Almost all of the sections
are now online except for the ones you will find with no links on the
left side. These sections use CGI scripts to achieve their functions,
and we have not been able to get them to work. If you know CGI programming,
please email us if you can help. If you would like to sign up for our
mailing list, subscribe, or submit comments, you can do so by E-Mailing
us. We hope to return at the start of next month's Village
publication, on Tuesday, April 25. Thank you for your understanding. |
16, 2000 (Sunday) - 7:25PM |
second update to our webpages is now online. Though there are still many
broken links and incomplete CGI scripts, about 70% of the site is now
operational. |
10, 2000 (Monday) - 3:18PM |
have been forced to delay the official opening of our site a few days
due to unforseen problems in getting our CGI scripts working. We hope
to have the pages completed before the end of the week. |